Sunday, March 1, 2015

The Amethyst Teardrop and the Hope of Romance

When I started writing The Amethyst Teardrop, it was just a story I wanted to read. Time and again, we authors are given the advice, 'write the story you'd like to read'.
So I did.

Because I know some of you will wonder, it's about two women brought together by a ghost. That's the short version.

The book is about so much more than that though. It's about the frailty of the heart, the strength of the human spirit and the imprints love can make. It's about following your heart, even when 'polite society' says you might be rushing things. But it's also a 'rags to riches' story as well. Love changes everything for our two main characters, and there is the hope that we can have just a little piece of that as well.

April de Ravin has led a hard life, but she's held tight to her sense of humour. She's working, but until she meets Lani Earnshaw, she's not really living. April might never have met Lani if it were not for the influence of the un-living.
Lani's dead girlfriend, as a matter of fact.
Lani is a well-known political reporter and somewhat of a celebrity in LGBT circles. April finds out that it can be a little overwhelming to date a celebrity socialite, but love conquers all.

The Amethyst Teardrop will make you laugh, it will make you cry (even just a bit), and it gives us hope that we'll find that special love (if we haven't already).
I can honestly say that I had a great time writing this.
Many times, I would take walks to try and figure out plot twists, and I could feel Lani and April there with me, encouraging me, telling me their story.

Their story isn't over yet either.
I'm already at work on the next one, even as I edit this one.

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